ARC Review: Of Cages and Crowns

Genre: YA Fantasy Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Once I realized that Of Cages and Crowns by Brianna Joy Crump was a fantasy novel where The Hunger Games meets The Bachelor, I was a little skeptical. That being said, it ended up surprising me more than I expected. Every generation ten girls are marked by the goddess andContinue reading “ARC Review: Of Cages and Crowns”

Book Review: The Newlyweds’ Window

Genre: Short Stories Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rep: POC After reading Send Her Back by Munashe Kaseke, which was published by Mukana Press, I was interested in the Mukana Press 2022 Anthology of African Writing, The Newlyweds’ Window. I try to read books that have diverse characters, written by diverse authors, so this anthology sounded fantastic. AsContinue reading “Book Review: The Newlyweds’ Window”

Book Review: Bewilderness

Genre: YA SciFi, YA Dystopian Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Wow! I don’t actually know what it feels like to be in the middle of a tornado, but I’d imagined it is similar to what I felt while reading Bewilderness by Kevin Cox! The novel follows a girl who has lost her memory and is in an entirelyContinue reading “Book Review: Bewilderness”

Book Review: Stepsister

Genre: YA Fairytale Retelling Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ The synopsis of Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly drew me in right away. Cinderella’s stepsister cuts off her toes to try to fit into the glass slipper? What a novel twist on the classic story! There were so many things I adored about this book! First off, possibly the mostContinue reading “Book Review: Stepsister”

Book Review: Tiger Queen

Genre: YA Fantasy Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Tiger Queen by Annie Sullivan has been on my TBR for a while, so it was perfect that it was one of the books included in a reading challenge I participated in during November. Sometimes, when books have been on my TBR for a while, the novelty fades for me,Continue reading “Book Review: Tiger Queen”

Book Review: Skin of the Sea

Genre: YA Fantasy Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A West African retelling of The Little Mermaid with Mami Wata as the protagnist? YES PLEASE! Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen is a debut novel that takes place in the 1400s when Africans were being forcibly taken and sold into slavery. This wonderful novel tells the story ofContinue reading “Book Review: Skin of the Sea”

Book Review: The Portals of Tartae

Genre: YA Fantasy, Portal Fantasy Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ After connecting with the author on Facebook, I was extremely excited to dive into The Portals of Tartae by Marcia Soligo! Marcia graciously sent me a signed copy of her wonderful novel, and I have to say, it was such a pleasant surprise! The novel is about OliviaContinue reading “Book Review: The Portals of Tartae”

Book Review: If You, Then Me

Genre: YA Contemporary, YA Romance Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I recently borrowed If You, Then Me by Yvonne Woon from the library, solely based on the title, and it was such an enjoyable and wholesome book! If you’re looking for a lighthearted or quick read with some cute romance, then this is the book for you! TheContinue reading “Book Review: If You, Then Me”

Book Review: Raybearer

Genre: YA Fantasy Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ When The Novel Neighbor announced that they were doing a virtual event with Jordan Ifeuko and Chloe Gong, I immediately had to read Raybearer, which has been on my TBR since it came out! I don’t normally buy books before reading them, but after finishing Raybearer and watching Jordan IfeukoContinue reading “Book Review: Raybearer”

Book Review: Dragon by Midnight

Genre: YA Fantasy, Fairytale Retelling Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I recently joined BookSirens, a site that is dedicated to connecting readers with new books! I was absolutely stoked to find Dragon by Midnight by Karen Kincy on the site because I had recently added it to my TBR, and I could not wait for it to beContinue reading “Book Review: Dragon by Midnight”

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